
Wise program uninstaller 2.1.3
Wise program uninstaller 2.1.3

The Safe option performs file uninstallation under normal conditions. Wise Program Uninstaller comes equipped with two uninstall modes: Safe and Forced. Additionally, and more importantly, you can find out the total amount of apps installed on your system and the occupied size on the disk. This list reveals useful information on each item: name, publisher, size, installation date and version. Wise Program Uninstaller automatically displays a list of all installed apps on your system when the apps starts. The app’s interface is clean and intuitive. It has some extra features under the hood in comparison to the default Add or Remove Programs function of Windows.

wise program uninstaller 2.1.3

Wise Program Uninstaller is a handy tool that helps you uninstall applications from your computer and delete leftover files.

Wise program uninstaller 2.1.3